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Pension Schemes
The three Police Pension Schemes for Police Officers are currently managed on behalf of the force by XPS:
- The Police Pension Scheme 1987. (PPS)
- The New Police Pension Scheme 2006. (NPPS)
- The Police Pensions Scheme 2015. (CARE)
Each of the above Police Pension Schemes provide their own specific key features and Pension benefits. Kier Services provide a pension website for serving and former police officers. This site is a hub of pension information which will hopefully serve you well during your career and in your retirement. It can be accessed via the below link:
The website provides information on the above three Police Pension Schemes, including both Members’ Guides and the legislation for each scheme. The site also includes details on Taxation, Transferring, Contact details and Useful Links.
As the administrator of the scheme, Kier provide officers with an annual pension statement, as well as the opportunity to view Pension Benefits online using an online system known as Member Self Service (MSS).
To access the site utilising your work email address, all you need to do is visit:
Altair Member Self-Service Login
Once registered, you can update your email address to be a private one.
The below address provides details on the Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) publication on the Police Pension Scheme 1987 Commutation Guidance and Factors. The link directs to the Scottish Government Police commutation factors, as the UK Government have not published a commutation factor table for England & Wales. Please note that the Scottish Police Pension differs from England & Wales, it is only the commutation factor which is the same:
The Commutation Factors can be reviewed at anytime, on the advice of The Government Actuary’s Department. Last updated April 2023.
Latest update from NPCC for retired officers between 01/04/2015 & 31/09/23.